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CVS for J

What is CVS?

Here is some backround information if you've never heard of CVS before.

Benefits at a glance

Why I'm mainting J code in a CVS repository and not just as a bunch of ZIP files: You see: feature, feature, features. But even without them, I'd use CVS. Because reason Number One is:

Some notes on CVS's origins and history

CVS is the Concurrent Version System, an extension to RCS, the Revision Control System written for Unix by Walter F. Tichy in the early 80'ies.

RCS takes care of two things:

CVS extends RCS by CVS can used for small single projects and huge multi-project systems alike. For example, you can synchronize with the entire FreeBSD or NetBSD system sources through CVS (or just specific parts you are interested in, say, the kernel and all the C development tools).

CVS availablility/distributio/deployment

The use of CVS to maintain the J repository is not just an academic exercise. I'm not asking you to learn and use some arcane, exotic you'll never use again. Please be assured that CVS is rapidly becoming a standard technology in the Unix world. Basically all "open source" projects are now moving away from distributing sources as tar files to providing them via CVS. All the free Unixen today, Linux and BSD distributions alike, come now with the cvs command pre-installed.

If you've never used cvs before, yes, the first 2 or 3 uses will require some learning and thoughts. But then things quickly become second nature. (Remember the times when you had to learn what "binary mode transfer" is for FTP?)

I hope you'll enjoy getting familiar with cvs. For me, there's no way back.

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